Losing Track of the days

I don’t think I realised how hard it would be to keep track of where we are, drifting is fantastic but remembering where we’ve been is a task seeing as we’ve already covered so much ground and move on every few days.

10 days in and absolutely loving it! A few days watching sunsets and barbecuing next to a nice big pond was awesome at the weekend. But a day at the beach attempting to ride waves on an inflatable pink flamingo was just my thing.

We travel on, a change of direction and a slight change of plans will hopefully lead us to the mountains where it isn’t as hot as the friggin’ sun all day and night!

I’ve got to grips with showering outside, and even succefully cut mine and Luke’s hair! Long hair is definitely not fit for travelling.

Oh and it’s so obvious how much better france are at handling the whole Covid thing. I mean I can’t speak for everywhere but everyone has a mask, everyone wears them indoors and people generally keep their distance with no issue. Photos might not look it, but everyone here (so far) really respects the process and we are too.

Enjoy a few pics from the last few days. I’m still trying to get to grips with my camera features, but got some really good ones so far.

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